Gospel Musings
Reading the Old Testament
When is the last time you read from the Old Testament (besides Psalms and Proverbs)?
Reading the Old Testament
When is the last time you read from the Old Testament (besides Psalms and Proverbs)?
I was struck by a post from @annvoskamp where she quotes: “Prayer isn’t the least we can do. Prayer isn’t all we can do. Prayer is, ultimately, the most we can do.”...
I was struck by a post from @annvoskamp where she quotes: “Prayer isn’t the least we can do. Prayer isn’t all we can do. Prayer is, ultimately, the most we can do.”...
For better or for worse, a lot is happening in Canada right now. People are uniting. People are fighting. Child-bodies continue to be found. Jobs are being lost. Motives are being...
For better or for worse, a lot is happening in Canada right now. People are uniting. People are fighting. Child-bodies continue to be found. Jobs are being lost. Motives are being...
Perfect in Weakness
For most of my life, I don’t remember ever longing to be a mother. Despite what I read in the Bible, motherhood seemed sacrificial to living a life I would actually...
Perfect in Weakness
For most of my life, I don’t remember ever longing to be a mother. Despite what I read in the Bible, motherhood seemed sacrificial to living a life I would actually...
Count it all Joy
I strive to be transparent in life and on social but there’s an understanding that social media is just a person’s “highlight reel”. Why is that? How did we get...
Count it all Joy
I strive to be transparent in life and on social but there’s an understanding that social media is just a person’s “highlight reel”. Why is that? How did we get...
Bible Reading Tips
My husband and I are admittedly VERY bad at keeping up our devotional routine together. To be completely real with you (this is brutal for me to share), it took...
Bible Reading Tips
My husband and I are admittedly VERY bad at keeping up our devotional routine together. To be completely real with you (this is brutal for me to share), it took...