The 3 Steps to Establishing Your Brand
So you've branded your small biz, now what?
Just try to imagine living in a world without any corporate brands or logos. People would be asking one another questions on a daily basis; “What kind of laptop is that?” or “What was that big white truck doing at your house today?”. Because of the branding on each of the products and services offered today, people are able to instantly recognize the company associated with those products and services. By creating a brand that people are able to associate with your small business, it works to instantly expand your reach.
If five people have an item branded by your small business, and they travel in five different directions, they immediately help to expose others to the products or services that your business provides – exposing your brand to quite possibly hundreds or thousands of potential customers that may not have heard of your brand before. For consumers, seeing a new brand that may directly pertain to their needs will spark curiosity about your brand, and will cause them to ask about it. Whether they decide to invest in your brand or not comes down to the reputation you build for your brand.
Reputation can be seen as a brand enhancer or demolisher. Customers rely on the past experiences that they have had while using a certain brand to form a positive or negative opinion of the product or service that you offer. One of the goals that your brand should try to achieve is to create a positive reputation for you and your small business. Working to create and maintain a positive brand image will enable your company to grow and continue to reach new customers due to the increased attention it will receive from new potential customers.