Your Creative Ally
Hi I’m Jordan, your creative ally! 👋🏻
As a designer and small biz owner I have a wide variety of experience behind me and I want to share how all the stepping stones lead to pursuing my varied passions of A Thousand Elsewhere.
My work experience in order, with many overlapping:
Age 12 → Babysitting
General labourer at a greenhouse
General labourer at a (different) greenhouse
Footwear sales associate at a sport’s retail store
Freelance designer
Cashier at a hunting + tackle retail store (shoutout to my dad’s biz @grimsbytackle)
Hostess at a restaurant
Charcutier / retail sales associate at a winery
Marketing strategist / designer at a design studio
Designer at a (different) design studio
Age 31 → Designer / small biz owner
And this is only paid experience—gap years, volunteer, pro bono work and motherhood is another story.
It doesn’t matter how you “get there”, it only matters if you are bringing glory to God at the stops along the way.
If you’ve got a start-up, church program, small biz or entrepreneurial journey that needs some help with creative visibility, reach out - I’d love to help you transform the vision for your passion into a lively reality!✌🏻
As a designer and small biz owner I have a wide variety of experience behind me and I want to share how all the stepping stones lead to pursuing my varied passions of A Thousand Elsewhere.
My work experience in order, with many overlapping:
Age 12 → Babysitting
General labourer at a greenhouse
General labourer at a (different) greenhouse
Footwear sales associate at a sport’s retail store
Freelance designer
Cashier at a hunting + tackle retail store (shoutout to my dad’s biz @grimsbytackle)
Hostess at a restaurant
Charcutier / retail sales associate at a winery
Marketing strategist / designer at a design studio
Designer at a (different) design studio
Age 31 → Designer / small biz owner
And this is only paid experience—gap years, volunteer, pro bono work and motherhood is another story.
It doesn’t matter how you “get there”, it only matters if you are bringing glory to God at the stops along the way.
If you’ve got a start-up, church program, small biz or entrepreneurial journey that needs some help with creative visibility, reach out - I’d love to help you transform the vision for your passion into a lively reality!✌🏻