Don't Give Up A Thousand Elsewhere

Don't Give Up

As this page evolves, I recently updated my insta bio to: ‘Sojourner on Earth, citizen of Heaven. Bible creative + musings of a radical Christian life.’

 As a sojourner, our intention should not be to settle in here, but to be in motion travelling home-ward as we are only here for a short time (if you have been following me a while, you know my passion for my ‘a thousand elsewhere’ focus). With that in mind, do you consider yourself a radical Christian?

In a sense, all Christians SHOULD be “radical Christians”.


Because being a Christian IS the most radical lifestyle / 24-7-365 job / habit we could ever choose. It does not come naturally to us. It requires ongoing, daily effort. It's not a one-time attempt or short-term effort to follow God. It's a full-on, Jesus-take-the-wheel, all-in sort of life choice. There is so much to learn and do.

But what happens when we fail and tire of trying?

In Philippians 4:9 we read 'What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.'

Exhausted? Don't give up. Keep practicing.

We will never "perfect" Christianity, but we can keep practicing faithfully, trusting that God wiII sanctify us through this process. He who began a good work in us will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.

Worship Him, pray to Him, delve into His word in every season, even if you
don't feel like it. Even when it's short. Even when it's hard, especially when it's hard—especially now. Keep practicing. --- So let’s not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don’t give up, or quit. Galatians 6:9 | MSG
I was honoured to have contributed to Jason Bouwman’s book. You can find this and many other devotional contributions in @just_th_inking second book ‘Still Thinking’’

ALSO in other Bouwman family collaboration news, my husband and I were on the @theartof.podcast a few weeks back, if you haven’t had a listen to that yet, where we speak about ‘The Art of Contentment’ while we are here. 

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