Freebies Portal
Welcome, as an A Thousand Elsewhere newsletter subscriber you now have access to the subscriber exclusive Freebies Portal. Take a look around, and enjoy!

Phone Wallpapers
Many, if not most of us are pretty attached to our smart phones these days. So why not have a cute and gospel-centric image greeting us every time we pick it up to keep us focused on what really matters.

Printables are great for posting on the fridge, tacking up on a cork board or even to hang up framed. See the full collection for purchase here.

Worksheets are great for kids, teens and adults alike! A perfect resource for parents and homeschoolers, Sunday school, Bible camp and VBS leaders to have on hand. See the full collection for purchase here.
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If you appreciate these free resources or have benefited from my content over the years and would like to buy me a coffee (aka my go juice) as thanks, I'm not gonna stop you.