A Thousand Elsewhere
The Season Ahead - Consultation & Creative Package
The Season Ahead - Consultation & Creative Package
Tis the season of New Year's resolutions and their subsequent abandonment. For some, resolutions do not hold us in a state of guilt—and we all applaud that! However, the most common experience is one of wishing for better and setting arbitrary goals that are sure to whip us into shape or despair. And these goals are good. And the desired outcomes are good. And the goals would be attainable if we lived in a vacuum.
Somehow when December sets in so does idealism. Next month will be better. We will simply shift gears and get it right next time. As the new year unrolls, so does our resolve to stick with our context-lacking goals. The stats overwhelmingly display this.
An alternative is a posturing towards something, an orientation or an attitude. Rather than set a goal and feel the disappointment of not attaining said goal or the desired outcomes, we want to offer you something that allows for a more organic way forward. Rather than the pass-fail metric of goal-setting, we’ve put together a package that offers direction within the inevitable curve balls that life offers.
Introducing The Season Ahead Consultation & Creative Package. This is your opportunity to work one-on-two with a writer and designer to craft a personalized collection of your intentions for the season ahead.
This work is ideally done in January but could also be done ahead of September, in preparation to start a new personal season or anytime as an intentional reset or refocus. This program is meant to be slow, to be a work in progress, to be fluid. It’s not a set-it-and-forget-it system. It’s an invitation to take a breath, reflect, dream, plan and do.
What this package includes:
+ Video call consult and workshop [40 min Zoom call]
- Bible passage focus exercise guidance
- Word & colour of the year exercise guidance
- More of / Less of (In / Out) exercise guidance
+ Personalized Poetry collection
+ Customized prayer journaling prompts
+ Graphics package
- Phone wallpaper PDF file
- Poetry poster PDF file [8.5”x11”]
- Word of the Year sticker design PDF file
+ Personal Vision board [11”x8.5"]